Goliveclip Global

POSTED October 31st, 2016

Catch you before you fall

More and more older adults die from falling incidents, Dutch news broadcaster NOS reports today. The expectation is that the current number of deaths will rise with another 77% before 2030 – a serious problem, in short. Gociety Solutions has developed a solution to this problem, which is best described by an old Benjamin Franklin quote: ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’

3267 people aged 65 years or older died in 2015, in the Netherlands alone. Only five years ago, this number was a mere 2117. And the increase cannot be explained by the ageing of society alone, expert VeiligheidNL reports. One of the main reasons for the increase is the fact that people tend to live at home longer than they used to – where they are usually not sufficiently protected against the risk of falling.

At Gociety Solutions, we have spent the last few years researching this problem, and we have come to an important conclusion: developing mechanisms that quickly provide users with help in the case of a fall (the usual ‘solution’) simply isn’t enough. On such moments, assistance always comes too late; the damage has been done and the suffering has been suffered – both impossible to undo. Instead, we have focused our energy on developing solutions that prevent falling incidents.

In order words: catching people before they fall.

We believe that the health care of the future will be about prevention, rather than curing. Using the incredible amounts of data we have at our disposal today, we can predict incidents – and anticipate them, using automated technology. This way, we can decrease human suffering as well as health care costs – and keep on living at home, without worries.

Our products and services integrate health analysis with a user’s daily needs, like connectivity, communication and care support. Using thorough, certified forms of monitoring and data-analysis, our technology makes sure that users as well as caregivers can take action whenever this is needed – long before an incident can occur. And apart from analysing risks, our software also provides methods that users can use to decrease their risk of falling. The technology is fully non-invasive, automated and scientifically validated.

Of course our technology also contains the most advanced falldetection technology, since a small chance of something happening always remains – no matter how complete a solution is. In the case of a fall, the technology automatically alerts the (informal) caregiver or emergency center and provides them with the user’s exact location, using the GSP technology that is present in any modern-day smartphone.

Because that’s the best aspect: no additional, stigmatizing device is necessary. Our solutions are compatible with any normal smartphone on which the GoLivePhone app is installed.


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