Goliveclip Global

POSTED October 23rd, 2018

Grow older in freedom and dignity – join the positive health movement!

One of the best things about our modern world is the fact that individuals have gained a level of independence and freedom which is unprecedented in history. The combined forces of medical science and modern technology are changing things fundamentally – such as the way we grow older. If we creatively adapt modern technology to our needs, we believe that issues associated with ageing, such as falling incidents and loneliness, can become a thing of the past.

Today, these issues are still all too real: thirty percent of older adults falls at least once a year, and twenty percent of older adults more than twice. That means that fifty percent of older adults has a falling incident each year! The results of these falling incidents, such as a broken hip, often function as one-way tickets to a situation of greatly increased dependency. For individuals in our time and age of individual freedom and independence, this can be difficult to cope with.

Another issue older adults struggle with, is the problem of loneliness. Twenty-five percent of older adults in the Netherlands (and in most Western societies) reports chronic feelings of loneliness. We find this number shocking: in a time in which we are more connected to each other than ever, the digital industries seem to have ignored older adults as a target group – whereas they might be the group that can benefit the most from being connected to their friends, family and the world at large.

We are proud of the fact that our GoLiveClip is one of the most versatile, gadgets on the market: its applicability stretches from the young to the old, from the wild and adventurous to the fragile and recovering. However, we are just as proud of the fact that we have taken into account the needs and capabilities of this neglected target group. We have done everything we can to ensure  that they have easy access to our product.

Using our GoLiveClip, older adults are not only assured of the fact that they will receive quick and adequate help in the case of a falling incidents: the GLC actually helps them prevent such incidents. That is what distinguishes our device from all other alarm buttons on the market – and what can ultimately make the difference between a life of dependence and limitations, and one of independence and freedom.

It’s what we call positive health care: using technology to prevent health issues, while helping users become the most healthy and happy version of themselves they can be!

In addition, our GoLivePhone software is designed especially for people who are a little bit less experienced when it comes to the user interfaces of modern technology. Of course: most of our users do not need this ‘layer’ of clarity and simplicity, which can take the place of the more complex Android smartphone operating system. However, we wanted to make absolutely sure that we leave no one behind – and we have.

The combination of the GoLiveClip (providing older adults with the independence they need to live in their own homes, in freedom and dignity) and the GoLivePhone, which provides older adults with easy access to everything modern technology has to offer (connecting users to their friends, family and the world at large) arms older adults against the challenges associated with ageing – and can change lives, fundamentally.

Do you want to join the positive health movement, or do you know someone who might?

Go to www.goliveclip.eu for more information.